Influential Dogepunks Vol. 8

3 min readJul 3, 2021


Engineers, founders, artists, and voices to help develop Web3 and the Dogepunks community.

Hello Dogepunks community,

It’s been a month since we’ve done one of these influential Dogepunk releases! We have been busy working on a collaboration to produce a physical release for all Doge lovers. We are excited to see that our community has hit over 4,800 followers and currently brainstorming on what the special 5,000 follower celebration should be. Let us know if you have any ideas (no, we cannot give you all baby shibas even though we thought about it).

For this volume, we highlighting two notable voices in crypto: Lea (@girlgone_crypto) and Path.eth (@cryptopathic) to get to know them and to collaborate on their 1:1 Dogepunks. Check it out below!

  1. Lea (@girlgone_crypto)

Lea is one of the top content producers in crypto. What really separates Lea from other content producers is her lighthearted and comedy forward videos where other crypto videos come off very serious and stuffy. One view of her content on YouTube, TikTok or her daily update, The Crypto Minute, you’ll immediately know how Lea has a different take than all the other crypto content!

Check his Dogepunk out on our Opensea collection

i)) What brought you into the world of Crypto/NFTs?
I first heard about Bitcoin back in 2011 from a friend who was a miner and literally had rigs spread all across his apartment. It wasn’t until mid 2017 that I really started to take a more serious interest in the crypto industry though. I stumbled across a blogging platform called Steemit and decided to try my hand at making content. It was a lot of fun and I started earning crypto for my efforts. It wasn’t long before I dove deep into the rabbit hole and started more in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. I’ve been hooked ever since!

ii) What do you do now?
I’m a full time crypto content creator and have a lot of fun coming up with fun/creative content ideas that hopefully add a little levity to everyone’s crypto feed!

iii) What do you love most about it?
I honestly love that the crypto industry is becoming more and more accepting of creatives — and I truly think that NFT’s are playing a big part in that. Crypto isn’t just a fringe thing anymore and I’m excited to see more people bring their creative energy and diversity to the space.

iv) Where can people find you to learn more?
I’m on twitter pretty much all the time at @girlgone_crypto, but you can also find me on instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. :)

2. Path.eth (@Cryptopathic)

A self proclaimed musical chairs victim and crypto trader in his part time, Path has been a member of the crypto community since 2013. If you check out his Twitter, he is constantly providing a stream of his thoughts on the crypto market and the occasional alpha leaks. In his part time, he’s is now a NFT collector and has been getting more and more invovled in the past year. But judging by the meta in the interview below, you can probably guess what his first true love is.

Check his Dogepunk out on our Opensea collection

1)What brought you into the world of Crypto/NFTs?

2) What do you do now?

3) What do you love most about it?

4) Where can people find you to learn more?
Trading. Just kidding, I have been in crypto since 2013 and have been watching NFTs for a while but was not super involved until about a year ago when the ecosystem really started to develop. I love finding new interesting art and concepts. Feel free to follow me on Twitter for more.

Much Wow,



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